My CSS Demo Critique : Contrasting two grid tutorials

demo 1

The site was easy to learn and not immedietly overwhelming which helps with safety (good feedback).
If the site is overloading it could send people away from the site immedietly cause of the headache.
I wished what was customizable was more clear but it's not bad.
It was great to have the option
to have advance options and basic ones. Once I learned the basics I could go to the advanced options.
This helped with learnability of the page.

demo 2

I spent way less time on this site because it just frustrated me.
I think the design is too intimidating and the feedback is too harsh.
It made it very difficult to learn and i felt that the other one was much more approachable.
They have similar features but the other one is much more approachable.
I think this is the case because there is better labeling and feedback on the other site.
I dont think having a ton of clickable white squares without any idea of what they do is a good idea.